Decreasing their carbon footprint and preserving the planet’s precious resources are priorities for many homeowners. If you’re eager to make your home as sustainable as possible, we’re here to help! Take a look at our top ten tips for creating a home that’s not only attractive and functional but which also minimises harmful emissions and resource waste.
Solar panels
Once the initial costs of purchase and installation have been met, solar panels create free electricity! Australia is a country where sunlight is plentiful; most homes can expect some yield from solar panels. Not only are they a great green alternative, but in the long-term, they can also save money on your fuel bill.
Opt for sustainable floorings
Vinyl and propylene are difficult to recycle, as well as products that require a significant number of harmful substances in their manufacture. Vinyl can also produce high levels of VOCs (volatile organic compounds), contributing to indoor air pollution. Natural carpet, bamboo, reclaimed timber, concrete or tiles are sustainable floorings that look amazing and can last for decades.
Conserve water
From considering the installation of a water tank through to choosing water-friendly appliances, selecting a shorter wash cycle when doing the laundry or fitting a dual-flush toilet, there are plenty of ways for your household to save water.
Veggie garden
Maintaining a vegetable garden is an activity that has a wealth of benefits! Not only do you have access to delicious, fresh veggies whenever you want them (no air miles, no trip to the shops and no plastic packaging to worry about), many gardeners also love the physical and mental health benefits which cultivating a garden can bring.
Invest in energy-efficient appliances
Energy-efficient appliances simply use less energy than their power-guzzling alternatives. To find the most energy-efficient appliances, look for ones which have a high star energy rating. Opting for energy-efficient appliances doesn’t just make green sense, it can also help to keep your power bills as low as possible.
Indoor plants
Playing a role in improving indoor air quality, indoor plants are attractive accessories that also help to purify the air and keep your home safe. For added value, why not opt for indoor plants that are edible.
Invest in insulation
It’s a no-brainer that an insulated property uses less energy when heating or cooling is required than a non-insulated one. If you’re considering what type of insulation to go for, remember that installations such as uPVC have negative environmental impacts. Insulated floor coverings, walls and curtains or blinds can all help to keep the indoor temperature more constant.
Replace your heating appliances
It’s not just washing machines and dishwashers that have improved in recent years: gas log fires, boilers and other heating appliances have also become much more energy-efficient. Investing in an energy-saving fire or A/C system can cut fuel bills as well as ensure your property becomes more sustainable in the longer term.
Cut the waste!
Figures show that Australians throw away about 5.3 million tonnes of food waste each year, much of which ends up in landfill. Composting, buying less, storing food correctly and tailoring your menus so that perishable foods are eaten within a suitable time frame are all ways to help tackle the food waste issue.
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